Perhaps it does not need to be said that Bush's foreign policies, universally described as unilateralism by everyone except postmodern savant Donald Rumsfeld, is leading to a general deterioration of international cooperation. American withdrawal from several key international reform plans in the areas of environment and population have led to a situation in which global discussion have been rendered ineffective, leading to
the end of a golden age of cooperation in the international community. To give a brief summary, the Bush administration has been diluting the measures that have been developed by the global conferences
largely on the basis of economic self-interest. Case like Kyoto are infamous: US withdrew. In others, US threatens withdrawal in order to have certain measures rescinded. According to Meyerson, UN feels no longer that a rigorous schedule of conferences on general environmental and populations reforms can be effective. The new strategy would be to organize conferences on an ad hoc basis in order to meet specific crises.