I must not think bad thoughts
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Friday, November 21, 2003

Taliban and Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan
The Carnegie Endownment has a speech and q&a with the foreign minister of Afghanistan. Minister Abdullah is blunt and insightful. I was surprised at his candor. He is not critical of Bush policy in his country, but he does not shy away from the truth. Here are some important points from his speech and his responses:

Finally, I want to note a question asked by a rep from the Cato Institute:
what defines a people? What defines a nation? British India divides into India and Pakistan, two nations. Pakistan then divides into Pakistan and Bangladesh, two further nations. We had this problem in the United States. We had a Civil War. Before the Civil War, it's "The United States are." After the Civil War, "The United States is." How do you create national identities, for example, in Pakistan, in Afghanistan, that supersede the Pashtun identity of people on both sides of the border?

Where did he get the inspiration for this question? A high school textbook? I am so sick of conservatives who take the US case as the normative case: every nation must form in the manner of the US. Guess what? There have been many roads to nationalization, and not all of them involved a civil war. Get over it! Read some other histories! Educate yourselves!

Posted by: Nathanael / 12:50 PM : (0) comments


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