I must not think bad thoughts
Blogging the rise of American Empire.

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Friday, April 11, 2003

Here it comes again. The call to retreat of the Republicans for the 1990s: "The US is not the policeman for the world." This call came out whenever Republican senators refused to allow American soldiers to participate in UN operations, weakening that organization. It happened in the Great Lakes where the UN was undermanned, allowing the genocide to take place in Rwanda. That led to several Central African wars that have been responsible, directly and indirectly, for over 3 million deaths. Now it is being used to justify non-interference with looting. According to the Geneva convention, the invading force must provide security for the rest of the population. Or is the Geneva convention another international agreement to which B(r)ush no longer ascribes? HRW reports that Ba'ath party archives have been looted. These contain records of crimes committed against the Iraqi people, and would be invaluable to future prosecutions for crimes against humanity (no matter what nationality they are.) (It will also frustrate future grad students. ;) )

Bad reporting from FOX News
HRW on looting of archives
US repsonsibilities to public safety
Red Cross on Geneva Convention and Safety

I also feel that I must be judgemental, even if I am insensitive to differences in cultural experience: this is not how a "liberated people" should act. This bodes poorly for future democratic society.

Go France!

Posted by: Nathanael / 2:30 PM : (0) comments


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